ABA criticizes immigration policies; blogger offers translation
The ABA has released a report criticizing our immigration policies. I haven't read the full report, but I will present a partial translation of the press release:
Low-level immigration officers are making what can be life-and-death decisions with no standards of due process or judicial oversight.
Translation: "We are more than willing to provide a pool of immigration lawyer$ on call 24/7. Plus, we want to hamstring the system."
The federal government ought not ask or require other institutions, including local and state police, to assume enforcement responsibility for federal immigration laws.
Translation: "We don't care about public safety. Yes, we know about L.A.'s Special Order 40. That order prevents LAPD cops from arresting someone who they know to have been deported for committing a felony. Instead, the LAPD must wait until that person commits another felony before they can be deported. Again, rinse and repeat.
And, we are fully aware that John Lehman of the 9/11 commission has said that the terrorists know which cities have such policies.
The report was funded by grants from the Ford Foundation...
Translation: Don't let that $top you from $ending us more money however. And, yes, we're well aware that the Ford Foundation funds a bunch of far-left, Open Borders, Racial Identity groups. In fact, we knew that the Ford Foundation "created" multiculturalism. We've seen the links.
(The foregoing "translation" is my opinion only and does not reflect the actual statements made by the ABA, its representatives, its members, or other affiliated organizations. The excerpts from the ABA press release are "Fair Use" as defined by Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 of the U.S. Code. If there are any more disclaimers I need, please send me the name of a good lawyer.)
(Link via TalkLeft)