"[NY Employment] Agencies Sued Over Low-Paying Jobs"

From the NYT (nytimes . com/2004/06/16/nyregion/16labor.html):

Frustrated that so many companies in New York State pay less than the minimum wage, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer announced a new strategy yesterday to attack the problem: sue the employment agencies that steer thousands of workers into these low-paying jobs each year.

Mr. Spitzer announced lawsuits against four employment agencies and settlements with five others to stop them from supplying workers to businesses that often pay just $3 or $4 an hour, far less than the $5.15-an-hour federal minimum wage. He said nine other agencies were under investigation.

The vast majority of workers who use these employment agencies are Hispanic immigrants, Mr. Spitzer said, noting that the agencies typically steer these workers to greengrocers, dry cleaners and restaurants...