Thank gosh I'm just a blogger!

Top scientists have been having an awful lot of "accidents" these past few years. Not just Russians or Iraqis, but Americans and British as well.

The latest is Dr. Eugene Mallove, who received one or two doctorates from Harvard and "also taught science journalism at MIT and Boston University and previously was chief science writer at the MIT news office."

He was a cold fusion expert and published a magazine and ran a foundation dealing with that subject.

He had apparently suffered from cold fusion falling into disfavor for alledgedly political reasons. However, things seemed to be looking up, as this March 20, 2004 press release says:

Exciting news that has circulated for about a month in the low-energy nuclear reactions field (LENR, a.k.a. "cold fusion") has now been confirmed. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has agreed to perform a review of the entire "cold fusion" (LENR) question. The DOE has made a startling reversal of its past refusal to evaluate with a fresh look the large body of experimental evidence that now supports highly anomalous non-chemical magnitude excess heat phenomena in some hydrogen systems, plus associated nuclear anomalies. The details of how the review will be conducted and when it is to begin have not yet been released formally, but it is expected to be completed by the end of 2004...

He was a guest on Coast To Coast AM, and you can listen to an excerpt here (Window Media) or here (Real).


Mallove was discovered at the small 119 Salem Turnpike house at 10:55 p.m. Friday after police received a report of an injured person.

At the house, situated at the entrance to Interstate 395 in a primarily commercial area, police found Mallove unresponsive, the victim of an assault. He was later pronounced dead by medical personnel called to the scene.

Police said initial investigation indicated a robbery, during which a physical confrontation took place. Several unidentified items were taken from the scene and Mallove's vehicle was missing, according to a written statement released by Norwich police.

Several hours later, Mallove's 1993 green Dodge Caravan was found in the Foxwoods employee parking lot on Route 2 in Preston. The vehicle is easily identifiable by several large bumper stickers, including an American flag and his company Web site,, in the rear window. The New Hampshire license plate bears the registration INFNRG.

The "Foxwoods" mentioned above appears to be a casino, and the two locations appear to be about 5 miles apart.

Maybe it was just a random crime, or perhaps it's just the latest in a series.

There's more background in this article.

UPDATE: The Norwich Bulletin has an article entitled 'Killing sparks questions: Some colleagues wonder if scientist could have been slain over his research into cold fusion', although it just broaches the subject and doesn't go into specifics. A similar report in the Boston Globe doesn't cover the conspiracy angle: 'Police eye robbery in killing of scientist'.


I read a blurb on another blog sometime around 08/17/05 about an oil supply scam coming out of Saudi Arabia. Now all I get when trying to find that blog is a 404 error. It's gone and I would like to know if anyone else read, or heard about the Saudi's having skimmed nearly a billion barrels of oil to drive up the cost by fabricating a production shortfall? It wouldn't surprise me at all if this were true, and the blogs disappearance was because of the truth getting out.

Killed by the same Big Oil thugs that kept the 100-MPG carburator off the market, no doubt!!