"Americans oppose increase in immigration"
Discussing a recent Gallup poll and a 2002 Zogby poll:
Most Americans adamantly oppose both increasing the amount of legal immigration to the United States and legalizing those immigrants now here illegally, the two key elements in President Bush's immigration overhaul proposal.
On no other foreign policy issue do average Americans disagree more with government and business leaders and other "elites" than on immigration.
"The number of people who want immigration increased is very small," said Steven A. Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies. "If 55 or 60 percent of the public wants less immigration, a third wants it the same and 7 percent wants it more - [Mr. Bush] is going for that 7 percent..."
But a Gallup poll from June found only 13 percent of Americans thought immigration should be increased, while 47 percent said it should be reduced and 37 percent said it should be kept at its present level.
Opposition has remained high for several years. A Zogby poll from 2002 found that 58 percent of Americans wanted to reduce immigration, 65 percent disagreed with amnesty and 68 percent felt the United States should deploy military troops to the border to curb illegal immigration.
Meanwhile, 60 percent of Americans believe present immigration levels are a "critical threat to the vital interests of the United States." But when the poll asked the same question of government officials, business leaders and journalists, only 14 percent thought so.
An exit poll... [in the California recall election] showed that 30 percent of California voters said they were somewhat or much more likely to vote against [California governor Gray] Davis because he signed the law [to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens]. Only 8 percent of voters were somewhat or much more likely to support him because of it.
"How did Davis get it so wrong?" Mr. Camarota said. "The reason is, he and people like George Bush live in an echo chamber of elites, where the received wisdom on immigration is all the same..."
john s bolton (not verified)
Sun, 04/11/2004 - 01:07
The reason why leaders such as officials and academics are so far apart from the majority on immigration is that these leaders want power and racial and ethnic conflict is the way to get it. The people want peace, not new rounds of the ethnic spoils system, and the worse conflicts that will surely follow from an intensification of these policies as a result of more immigration. The American government has racial policies which are widely observed to be damaging to the majority; so how can they want these policies to be augmented through immigration? The anti-majority leaders can exercise power by sacrificing the majority, and escape limits on their power. This is why the two groups differ. If one does not suffer from class anxiety, one will not be intimidated by such methods as saying: the elites want this. If it is anti-diversity or anti-immigrant to mention these observations, get new definitions of these terms.