Oh Gawd, now I'm going to get google hits for "Lyndon LaRouche"

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Sep. 22, 2003: After Littleton, Lonewacko drove himself to the Mount Washington area to check out the possibility of climbing it. Along the way, I saw the sign announcing that the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference ("BWMC") was signed at the Mount Washington Hotel, so I decided to make the pilgrimage and see what all the fuss was about.

For some reason, I have an association between Lyndon LaRouche and the BWMC. I don't know all that much about LaRouche, but I did photograph some LaRouchians trying to take over one of the pro-Saddam peace rallies back in L.A. However, I think Lyndon is either for or against the BWMC or he believes it should have been modified in some way or other.

Whatever the great man believes, the Conference was held in the room pictured above at the Mount Washington Hotel (pictured here). The helpful and attractive concierge gave me a complete dossier on the Conference, but I haven't managed to work my way through it. Apparently a lot of people come there just to see the room. They're probably part of some tour or something that includes a private meeting with Milton Friedman.