Don't let 'em get you down, Glenn

Insty and UCLA professor Mark A. R. Kleiman are having a BlogFight. Now, I've dissed Glenn several times, despite being linked to from him a few times. Mostly that's because of his Pollyannaish support for "immigration" in the abstract, despite obviously knowing or caring little what's going on here in our fair state.

Perhaps said dissing explains why he hasn't linked to me in about three months or so.

Back to the soap opera: about five months back, the blogger I refer to as "Hatrios" went to the trouble of creating a post in which he lied about and misinterpreted a comment I had made and attempted to smear me. In a way, someone as linked-to as Hatrios even mentioning one could be considered a good thing. As for the other 99%, well, no one likes to be libelled and be the recipient of yet another "liberal" ad hominem attack.

After the smear, I contacted a few "liberal" bloggers and one conservative blogger, asking them to denounce Hatrios. The conservative blogger supported me, but didn't publicly denounce Hatrios. But, then again, he frequently denounces Hatrios and his Hatriolytes. One of the "liberals" promised to look into it, but never did. Another of the "liberals" suggested that he would denounce Hatrios if I gave him a permalink. Sorry, no more communication for you.

That brings us to the final "liberal." I had met him at a blogging party a few months before the Hatrios incident, and he seemed like a decent person despite being a "liberal." However, that "liberal" not only refused to denounce Hatrios, he agreed with his smear. That last "liberal" is a schmuck.

UPDATE: I wish to categorically deny that Mark A. R. Kleiman is the "last liberal" referred to above as a schmuck. In fact, I once met Prof. Kleiman at a bloggers' party, and he seemed like a decent person.


Everyone knows that Mark Steyn is Atrios. Get with the program.

Then why aren't you calling me Hate Welch? Has a nice ring to it....

No, because at the time I thought you were Atrios. I still do.

Was I one of those people? I don't recall being asked to sign up for a screw-Atrios campaign, but my memory is notoriously unreliable.