"A Liberal Push in L.A. City Hall"
Socialism, ahoy! There's a new progressive movement afoot in L.A., according to no less than this L.A. Times editorial:
With the election of Antonio Villaraigosa and Martin Ludlow to the Los Angeles City Council, progressivism has reached critical mass in city government. On July 1, the two newcomers will join ideological and political allies Eric Garcetti and Ed Reyes in bringing a broad social vision of equity and justice to such city problems as housing, jobs, transportation and public safety...
[from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs, etc. etc. etc. Maybe we won't kill as many people as all the past experiments did, etc. etc. etc.]
All you need to know about Antonio Villaraigosa can be found right here. Note especially this page, where he refuses to disavow his past membership (including President of the UCLA chapter) in the racial separatist organization Mecha.
The authors of this piece are from this organization. I think Oxy College is private, otherwise I'd complain about misuse of public funds.
(Via L.A. Observed)