Iroda's back!
Iroda! You're back!
Yes, Krees. Kak dela?
Ochen' khorosho. Just a bit tired. Where have you been?
I have been acting as secret agent for Uzbekistan government in Iraq.
That's quite interesting. I'm sure the long-time reader of this blog may remember our various imaginary conversations from way back when.
If not, there's always google. What have you been up to?
Well, Iroda, I just got back from the L.A. River.
Oh, so you took the River Ride as promised. How did it go?
Well, I didn't get much sleep, and I got a late start, so I didn't get to Griffith Park til after 9AM. There didn't seem to be too many people there, so I decided to go off on my own and just take pictures of the riders, in attempt to get better pictures than last year. Like Ansel Adams carrying his large format up hill and dale, I had my Minolta digicam and a tripod in my backpack. I wasn't intending to go very far, just down the river a bit. All I had with me water-wise was 1L, and I didn't bring any food.
So, why didn't you join the ride?
I guess I just didn't feel like it.
Krees, I know you. You're tighter than a [example deleted]. It was the $35, right?
Well, that would have been a donation to a worthy cause and all, but, then again, why should I pay $35 to do something I've done dozens of times for free?
But, it was a donation?
But, the $35 just screamed at me No! No! No! I like it much better right here in your pocket!
Wow. So, what happened?
Well, I biked all the way down to the River Center near downtown. Then, summit fever gripped me. Or, in this case, estuary fever. I tried to join the Ride, but they didn't have any of the handouts. And, the other riders had left there an hour earlier. So, I just decided to set off on my own, making up my own route. I knew approximately where the entrance to the River was in Vernon, and I headed across downtown and its eastern edges. I made the river, and eventually got to LB. Because, as I said, I only got a couple hours of sleep, I was a bit wore out, so I took the train back.
So, you just hopped aboard the LA Bike Coalition's ride, pretending to be a paid rider?
It wasn't like that. All I took from their Paramount rest stop was a power bar and .5L of water. I didn't even get a frigging T-Shirt.
Serves you right for being so cheap!
Now, Iroda! I was a volunteer last year, and, provided they give me my T-shirt, I might volunteer, or slip them a few bucks.
Goodnight, Krees!
Nighty-night, Iroda!