More fun with CAIR
The CAIR home page includes a link to the story "With missionaries spreading, Muslims' anger is following":
As evangelical Christian emissaries have spread throughout the Muslim world, their presence has increasingly proved to be a lightning rod for anti-American sentiment while provoking the anger of native Christian sects and Islamic clerics...
Rather than enrage local authorities and risk their own deaths or expulsions, missionaries aimed for softer targets... One bishop said Bonnie Penner Witherall, the missionary killed by a gunman last month, combined preaching about Christianity with the distribution of toys and food to Muslim children...
Meanwhile, the other pages at CAIR whine about AmeriKKKa's need to accomodate diversity, hate crimes, and contain enough "yes, but" and ambiguously definable terms to fill a small book.
For instance, nowhere at the page above does CAIR define exactly what it means by "the innocent" or "fighting against tyranny or oppression."