Why didn't the anti-war folks think of this?
According to this article:
About a dozen Arab writers and lawyers plan to appeal to the Arab world to put pressure on Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to step down to avert a war... The appeal -- made by lawyers and writers fed up with their governments' opposition to U.S. policy on Iraq without presenting an alternative -- also calls for the stationing across Iraq of international human rights monitors to oversee a transition to democratic rule
That's a good idea, as long as it doesn't result in a theocracy or just another anti-US strongman. And, as long as the WMDs don't get passed or transferred to the wrong people.
Bear in mind, Saddam's already prepped himself for something like this by putting $3.5 Billion on deposit in Libya. Of course, a Saddam in exile might cause us trouble down the line, so maybe we have no choice but to "neutralize" him permanently-like.
So, why didn't the anti-war groups like NION or ANSWER think of this first? Perhaps this article might give a clue. It discusses who's behind ANSWER and other groups. Print it out and take it to your next protest.