Arizona sues feds for failing to enforce border, immigration laws
Last year, the Department of Justice sued Arizona over that state's immigration law SB1070. Now, Arizona has returned the favor by countersuing the feds, making the obviously correct claim that the feds aren't enforcing our immigration laws as they should. Whether the countersuit will succeed isn't clear, but at the least it might help air just how derelict in their duties the Department of Homeland Security has been.
From this:
The lawsuit alleges that the federal government has failed in five areas:
* To achieve and maintain "operational control" of the border.
* To protect Arizona against "invasion."
* To enforce immigration laws.
* To uphold the 10th Amendment, which states that "powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution … are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.""What we’re seeking is to force the federal government to do its job,” Attorney General Tom Horne said, adding that the Obama Administration is “actively” not enforcing immigration law.
Horne said there have been similar cases filed out of other states over the years.
“We hope this one will be successful,” he said.
Video of the announcement is below. For an unknown reason one of those present was Kyrsten Sinema, who tried to throw cold water on the suit. She might have a point, especially about the "invasion" part. Updates when the Obama administration and legal observers weigh in.