Tweets to Yascha Mounk

Yascha Mounk's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Yascha Mounk
New York
Associate Prof, @SAISHopkins | Contributing Editor, @TheAtlantic | Senior Fellow, @gmfus | Senior Advisor, @protctdemocracy | Host, The Good Fight
Tweets to this user:
Michiko Kakutani's avatar
From @michikokakutani
“Current events in India and Poland should shock Americans” out of complacency: “When they are reelected, populists…
Composerem's avatar
From @composerem
@michikokakutani @JeffreyGoldberg @Yascha_Mounk It’s far more toxic than complacency. Millions of Americans are der…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Questioning authority is a key part of citizenship. Will you help me ask both Dem & GOP leaders very tough policy questions? MT @michikokakutani [sounds the alarm about Trump] MT @composerem ...Millions of Americans are derelict in the ethics and duty of citizenry...
Peter Lemieux's avatar
From @PeterHLemieux
@Yascha_Mounk @TheAtlantic I was startled when one of my mentors, the political scientist Walter Dean Burnham, deno…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PeterHLemieux: Trump will probably be reelected, and it'll be *because of* @Yascha_Mounk, his fellow Mrs Steve Jobs lackeys, and our dulligentsia in general. Trump keeps scoring points off them & they don't even realize it but just keep repeating their same failed shtick.
Yascha Mounk's avatar
From @Yascha_Mounk
What happens if Donald Trump wins in 2020? For @TheAtlantic, I looked at other countries, from India to Poland, in…
Erik Halvorsen's avatar
From @erikhalvorsen18
@Yascha_Mounk @TheAtlantic If this scares you (it should) help fight back in the likely 2020 tipping point state:…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Since Trump already trounced Dems & those like Yascha once & they haven't even caught on much less corrected, doesn't Trump deserve to win again? MT @erikhalvorsen18 [donate to Dems is solution] MT @Yascha_Mounk [if Trump chances to beat us again, it'll be armageddon!]
Yascha Mounk's avatar
From @Yascha_Mounk
All things considered, this was an uncannily accurate prediction.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Yascha_Mounk: congrats on the single RT. I get a bunch of those. Maybe I should try to write for Slate too, except I tell the truth about immigration so no chance there. Does Trump support comprehensive immigration reform (often called "amnesty"), yes or no?
Yascha Mounk's avatar
From @Yascha_Mounk
Jair Bolsonaro is the next President of Brazil. A democracy with over 200 million people--one that went through t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's almost like many are sick of NeoLiberals, & NeoLiberals respond by blaming the victims of their policies rather than, chastened, decide patriotism beats enabling demagogues. #FU MT @Yascha_Mounk Jair Bolsonaro is the next President of Brazil [oni v] mortal danger