Tweets to tony

tony's avatar
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In my right mind
Born in the land of the free hoping it stays that way. Yes Trump is my President ! Letting people knw u never go full democrat ! #MAGA
Tweets to this user:
David French's avatar
From @DavidAFrench
Hat's off to the RNC machine, seriously. Hat's off to Trump's campaign. They were right on the politics of the moment.
Sam Luce ู†'s avatar
From @samluce
@davidafrench Really you mean. Hats off for creating Trump by trying to stop him.
tony's avatar
From @wtony_tony
@DavidAFrench I tried to tell you months ago that America choose @realDonaldTrump #MAGA .
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
& I told him how to stop Trump. He's dumb. MT @wtony_tony @DavidAFrench I tried to tell you months ago that America choose @realDonaldTrump
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@samluce: all @davidafrench had to do was challenge Trump or a proxy to their face on how fake Trump Wall is. He just postured instead.