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Wired Sources
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Wired Sources's avatar
From @WiredSources
Democrat Sen. Joe Donnelly releases new ad claiming to support President Trump's immigration policies, after polls…
Timothy Bendel's avatar
From @TimothyBendel
@WiredSources HaHaHa... Wow, it is actually funny (and extremely rare) to see a Democrat talking sensibly...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TimothyBendel: on #immigration, Joe Donnelly is as fake as Trump. Trump "wall" would be torn down as soon as Trump's out of office. The real solution is to make arguments that undercut Dem leaders to their base. Trump & Donnelly won't do that. #MAGA #Indiana
Vive Charlie's avatar
From @ViveCharlieMag
RT @WiredSources: JUST IN: Mexico building border wall on its own Southern border to combat illegal immigration into its own country
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Assuming that's true, so what? MX govt officials are united against illegal #immigration. U.S. govt officials are nearly united in favor. You have no plan to undercut the latter. MT @ViveCharlieMag MT @WiredSources Mexico building border wall on its own Southern border