Tweets to Archive Reminder

Archive Reminder's avatar
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Archive Reminder
If Q wasn't real, Trump would tell you. Think logically. He does not hesitate to call out fakes and phonies. He knows what he's doing.
Tweets to this user:
Archive Reminder's avatar
From @WillieWholeSlew
RT @CassandraRules: It’s not just the right, it’s anyone who questions the narrative. May want to rethink your support of censorship, lefti…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Smart thing is to point out that those who support censorship aren't liberals. That marginalizes the censors. Cass marginalizes opponents. MT @WillieWholeSlew MT @CassandraRules [Twitter suspended supposed l/w account] May want to rethink your support of censorship, lefties