Tweets to WandstrasseHurensohn

WandstrasseHurensohn's avatar
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Born. Schooled. Served Country. Businessed in Banking & Real Estate. Retired. Started tweeting. Now fears for America. Lots of haters out there. T'ks Fake News.
Tweets to this user:
WandstrasseHurensohn's avatar
From @WHurensohn
@HostileUrbanist @Fwd_US_Is_Wrong @quakerorts Guy in the picture is not stupid beyond belief. More furtive, sly, crafty, sneaky, beady eyed.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WHurensohn: Evelyn Woodhead called, suggests you improve your redding comprehension. I said the pic (i.e., with the caption) was stoopid.
WandstrasseHurensohn's avatar
From @WHurensohn
@Fwd_US_Is_Wrong I did start "Guy in picture.." Redding comprehension? Noah Webster called, suggested you study his little tome. Comprehend?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WHurensohn: my "stupid beyond belief" was a statement about the pic with the *caption*, not just GWB as you morphed it into.