Tweets to Crosspatch

Crosspatch's avatar
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Opinionated single parent. Army veteran. San Jose, California. Might move back to the USA sometime. Hot dogs are a sandwich. Die Hard is a Christmas movie.
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24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@VictorB123 @johnmarzan: the #GOP guidelines are precursor to a series of bills. One or two I believe have already been written. #tcot #sgp
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan No, nothing has been written Again, read this:
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan Those were precursors to a DISCUSSION about legislation. There is not likely to be any legislation.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan At least not in 2014.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan Boehner isn't keen on it either.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom pls, just pass the House STEM visa bill again and only that this year and let sen dems block it #yearofaction
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @VictorB123 @johnmarzan 4 bills have been out of committee since July.
Brian Boru's avatar
From @boru941
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@VictorB123 @johnmarzan: how easy will it be to send home termed-out "guests" who have US citizen kids? #immmigration #…
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@VictorB123 @johnmarzan: how easy will it be to send home termed-out "guests" who have US citizen kids? #immmigration #tcot #ows #occupy
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@24AheadDotCom @VictorB123 AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! that's why this amnesty bill by GOP in it's current form is a cruel joke, and dems are laughing
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom There is no "amnesty bill", that's the funny part. There isn't any bill.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom All there was were some guidelines for a discussion at a conference. No bill.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom I don't know were this is coming from that people think there is some "amnesty bill".
Pamela Jones's avatar
From @usaforamericans
@24AheadDotCom @VictorB123 @johnmarzan Minors Go With Their Parents.
Pamela Jones's avatar
From @usaforamericans
@VictorB123 @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom They are waiting until after mid term, They are not that Dense following the lead of the Demos on ACA
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@usaforamericans If we have a Republican Senate after this fall, I think we'll get something decent. @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@usaforamericans The problem right now is that to get anything into law, we have to get Senate Dems on board. @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom
Pamela Jones's avatar
From @usaforamericans
@VictorB123 @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom The GOP is really disappointing their constituency with this talk of reform, smoke screen for Demos?
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@usaforamericans No, like I said, nothing can get into law without Dem signoff as long as Reid runs the Senate @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@usaforamericans If we can get Reid OUT of that seat, we will see better proposals. @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@usaforamericans Anything proposed right now by the House *has* to be something Senate can agree to. @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@usaforamericans Senate is run by Democrats. @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@usaforamericans Some people just don't seem to understand that. @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @usaforamericans @24AheadDotCom only if USA moves to jus sanguinis and overturns plyler vs doe for future illegals first..
Pamela Jones's avatar
From @usaforamericans
@VictorB123 @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom Reid looks a little more demented & decrepit everyday. He is to darn mean to drop dead!
Pamela Jones's avatar
From @usaforamericans
@VictorB123 @johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom All Democrats in both houses are Obama worshipers & will never have the nerve as it stands!
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@24AheadDotCom @VictorB123 GOP candidates shld be prepared for townhall where illegals show up and ask if they shld be deported. fun times!
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@VictorB123 @johnmarzan: it's not our job to provide circular migration for Mexico. #immigration #tcot #teaparty #uniteblue #ows
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan So far the only proposal I have seen is to give people who are ALREADY here and ALREADY working a work permit.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan But I DO see a lot of histrionics over the issue.
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@johnmarzan @VictorB123: old Zogby poll: 58% of those in Mexico said US southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico. #immigr…
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@VictorB123 @johnmarzan: obviously, lots of growers etc. *prefer* illegal aliens. Lower cost, easier to control. #immig…
occupyduval's avatar
From @occupyduval
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@VictorB123 @johnmarzan: not letting people resettle lands they think are rightfully theirs is a very, very, very old c…
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@VictorB123 @johnmarzan: not letting people resettle lands they think are rightfully theirs is a very, very, very old concept. #immigration
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@VictorB123 @johnmarzan: obviously, lots of growers etc. *prefer* illegal aliens. Lower cost, easier to control. #immigration #tcot #occupy
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan They can't get them. Huge worker shortage. Illegals are the only ones who will TAKE those jobs.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan Americans would rather sit on their asses on welfare. It pays better than working.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan Again. THIS is the problem.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan A $29,000 a year job + welfare pays more than a $65,000 a year job.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom i'd be okay with guestwrkrprg if you plug anchor baby loophole first and end free k-12 education to future illegl
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom Agreed. The anchor baby thing is a problem. That needs to be fixed.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom If they can get work permits, they are more likely to go home when work is done for the winter, too.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom obamacare exaccerbates this by penalizing business from hiring americans over legalized illegals.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom Now they are forced to stay over because they don't know if they can get back.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom immigrant groups dont use welfare? they shldnt right? but guess which immig group uses the most.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom why would they return home if they can bring their kids to USA and enroll them in public schools 4 free like now?
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom you and ezra klein are wrong! :)
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom That's a state issue. Whether or not they can enroll their kids in school is a state decision.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom plyler v doe is a supreme court decision mandating all states to give free education to illegal foreigners.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom In 10 years you will be BEGGING workers from Mexico to come here. We will have a HUGE number of retired.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom 30% of our current workforce will be retired by that time. The current average age of US farmers is over 55
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom We are going to be in a WORLD of hurt in 10 years if we don't get some additional workers in here.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom We aren't going to have enough workers to support the retirees.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom make it harder for ppl to immigrate, not easier, so you only get best/brightest like in canada &not reconquista.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom But there is no "amnesty bill". There is no House immigration reform bill.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom All we have is a bunch of speculation and people speculating on the speculation.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom USA will not be begging. ppl will always come. they're at the gates. USA needs to be selective.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom canada has an asian immigrant pop. of 15.3%, blacks 2.8% and hispanic immig 1.2%. By design, victor?
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@johnmarzan @VictorB123: old Zogby poll: 58% of those in Mexico said US southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico. #immigration #tcot #p2 #sgp
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan Which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with an immigration discussion.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@24AheadDotCom @johnmarzan Now you seem to be just looking for reasons to discriminate against Mexicans.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom canada discriminates against mexicans,and nobody other than mexican ambassador says a peep
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom mexico has shall we say a passive aggressive relationship with USA.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom In 2011, Sacramento County LOST over 10,000 Mexican nationals.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom They went home. There's more work.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom more like They went home. They lost their higher paying job.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan Auto plants are hiring in Mexico. They aren't in the US. @24AheadDotCom
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom high skilled labor.
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom The gang of 8 bill is dead, gone, done, fork stuck in it.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom i mean majority of illegals from latin america, poor, low skilled, poorly educated, and no english, right?
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom That was the case 10 years ago. Not sure what the demographics are today.
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@VictorB123 @24AheadDotCom immigration reform is like a zombie, it keeps coming back. but without the 2 reforms i brought up, a non starter
Crosspatch's avatar
From @VictorB123
@johnmarzan @24AheadDotCom Oh, there WILL be reform at some point. Just not in 2014.
Debbie Becker's avatar
From @Debbz323
@24AheadDotCom @Glaivester @johnmarzan @VictorB123 they want what WE built! Look at the dung heap #Mexico #58%
John Marzan's avatar
From @johnmarzan
@Debbz323 @24AheadDotCom @Glaivester @VictorB123 everybody wants what USA has, it's just that it's easier to enter USA if you're from mexico
