Tweets to Laurence Tribe

Laurence Tribe's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Laurence Tribe
"This is America . . . Here, right matters." -- Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman
Tweets to this user:
bware51's avatar
From @bware51
@tribelaw @ElissaSlotkin Exactly! As I tweeted earlier, she's got more, and bigger Kahuna's than the entire Republican party put together!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bware51: yet, @tribelaw admits his quixotic impeachment quest might cost @ElissaSlotkin her job. If Tribe were smart, he could've kept Trump from being elected or reduced his popularity & Slotkin wouldn't be impacted. Reality shows Tribe isn't smart. Why enable him?
Laurence Tribe's avatar
From @tribelaw
Ditto! @ElissaSlotkin is what a member of Congress should aspire to be. Dedicated to more than her own re-election.
NavyNana's avatar
From @NavyNana2
@tribelaw @ElissaSlotkin If only all members of Congress were as concerned about their country as she is. Kudos to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NavyNana2: a simple question (scroll back my feed) would discredit Trump proxies & doing that would devastate Trump. @tribelaw could've easily pushed that for 4+ years. Instead, he now admits impeachment will cost @ElissaSlotkin her job. Why enable someone who helps GOP?
Laurence Tribe's avatar
From @tribelaw
Don’t be confused by the 105 Democrats now “calling for” an #ImpeachmentInquiryNow. That inquiry has BEGUN as of Fr…
Jonathan Angelo's avatar
From @JAngello85
@tribelaw @USATODAY Unless there are hearings and real momentum, I am calling it filing a petition to get informati…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JAngello85: it's always been incredibly easy to undercut Trump to his base. E.g., pointing out how fake his plans are. Steyer, @tribelaw, etc simply aren't smart enough to do that. Instead, they've only ever *helped* Trump & they'll keep helping him after he's been reelected.
Laurence Tribe's avatar
From @tribelaw
This is the worst kind of emergency: one for which the Constitution provides no remedy, given the uselessness of th…
Lydia James's avatar
From @SmlWrldAfterall
@tribelaw It doesn’t take a psychiatrist to know that what we are dealing with is an emergency. He lacks genuine em…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SmlWrldAfterall: it doesn't take anything to know @tribelaw will never have any impact on Trump. He's had no impact from 2015 to now & he keeps on doing the same things expecting a different result. Speaking of which, he hypes Bandy X. Lee, the Dem version of a nutso birther.
Laurence Tribe's avatar
From @tribelaw
I agree with @juliettekayyem here. Everyone talks about how Vol 2 gives Congress a roadmap for impeachment proceedi…
IhopeweMakeit 🍑#justiceiscoming's avatar
From @IhopeweMakeit
@tribelaw @juliettekayyem We the reliable Democratic voters, we the people that paid attention to @SethAbramson…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@IhopeweMakeit: smart, easy-to-devise (at least for me) plans would have easily made Trump lose. Why didn't @juliettekayyem, @tribelaw, etc come up with those plans or help with them? Is it that they simply aren't smart enough or that they just wanted something to whine about?
What time is it now? Defeat attack on democracy's avatar
From @Holdon2Hope2017
@tribelaw @jgeltzer Suggest you follow @sarahkendzior if you don't. Also listen to latest podcast where she +…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Holdon2Hope2017: @tribelaw, @jgeltzer, & @sarahkendzior are even more impotent grifters than Coulter. She's at least had some impact on Trump's policies. Their only impact years later has been to slightly help him. They can't even conceive of there being ways to undercut Trump.
Laurence Tribe's avatar
From @tribelaw
It’s not too soon to start thinking about the unthinkable: What if Trump refuses to leave peacefully when he loses…
Melissa Allen Heath's avatar
From @melisheath
@tribelaw @jgeltzer This has crossed my mind more than once. The peaceful transition of power is something for whic…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@melisheath: with opponents like @tribelaw, Trump won't have to leave in 2020. Think about it: if Larry was smart enough to develop plans that would stop Trump, then he would have been pushing them for years. Instead, nothing he's ever said has had any negative impact on Trump.
Steve Sailer's avatar
From @Steve_Sailer
"#VoteBLUE to restore Congress to its historic role as the third branch of government" I'm not a Constitutional ge…
@danfromdc's avatar
From @danfromdc
@Steve_Sailer @tribelaw Lol well done Steve. If ignorance is bliss, you must be f’n miserable. Tribe on the other hand...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@danfromdc: Trump appeals to those who thought Trump Wall would be built by now & who can't figure out how easily a future Congress would tear down what little ever gets built. Instead of trying to educate those types, @Steve_Sailer panders to them for donations. Sad.
Laurence Tribe's avatar
From @tribelaw
.@JRubinBlogger asks many of the right questions here. For more guidance on the best answers, check out my forthcom…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@tribelaw: is Trump's "Fifth Ave" comment right, or are there things that could undercut him to enough of his base that he'd be hurting? Only looking at what Trump's said/done in the past, is it *impossible* to use that in a way that would undercut him to his base?
frank disler's avatar
From @disler_frank
RT @tribelaw: These transcripts are mind-boggling. They expose Trump as a disgusting embarrassment to the U.S.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@disler_frank: per @tribelaw, Trump is "a disgusting embarrassment". Name *one* thing Tribe/#TheResistance have succeeded at other than...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@disler_frank: @tribelaw & #TheResistance are near-absolute failures at opposing Trump. Most they've done is uncovered his gross mistakes.
