Tweets to Bloomberg TicToc

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Bloomberg TicToc
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Subi's avatar
From @subinukta
RT @tictoc: Meet Mai Khoi, a Vietnamese musician who's battling state censorship and standing up for human rights and democracy. She's had…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@subinukta: @tictoc advocates for "Mai Khoi, a Vietnamese musician who's battling state censorship", yet MSM reporters are strong supporters of social media censorship. Vietnam just needs to go after "bots" & "trolls" so Bloomberg would help them censor.
Bloomberg TicToc's avatar
From @tictoc
Vietnamese musician Mai Khoi has had her concerts raided, been evicted from her home and only performs in secret in…
Alexis Ramirez Lagos's avatar
From @AlexisRamirezL3
@tictoc Mai Khoi: A fighter for a way of freedom and tolerance in Vietmam.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AlexisRamirezL3: @tictoc, Twitter, Facebook, the MSM, Big Tech, etc. etc. push the suede-denim version of what Mai Khoi goes through. That's what Russian bots, "trolls", shadowbans, etc. are all about: one group trying to silence another.