Tweets to Marco (vicious, horrible person)

Marco (vicious, horrible person)'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
Marco (vicious, horrible person)
Milpitas, CA
WARNING: I hurt MAGAts' feelings. Design leader stuck in Silicon Valley. He/him. Married. Dad of 3. Feminist,LGBTQ ally,Loud,prolific, profane,unapologetic.
Tweets to this user:
Sergio Siano's avatar
From @sianoresist
I worked as an aide to develop-mentally disabled kids for 3 years. I say this with unequivocal certainty - EVERY kโ€ฆ
Marco (vicious, horrible person)'s avatar
From @TheMarco
@sianoresist @AnnCoulter Careful I got kicked off Twitter for a few days for insulting her. @twitter loves their white supremacists.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Coulter is so vulnerable on so many things, only lack of emotional control and similar would cause you to insult her rather than doing things that would actually work. MT @TheMarco @sianoresist Careful I got kicked off Twitter for a few days for insulting [Coulter]