Tweets to The Fake Liberal

The Fake Liberal's avatar
Twitter handle: 
The Fake Liberal
ATL, GA- now Sunny South FL-
All Trump All The ⏰, #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp, Pro Mil/Blue, #BuildTheWall, Single 2 Sons, Jesus, GA BullDAWGS!, Followed by YOU!πŸ‘Š #1A #2A #Trump2020
Tweets to this user:
The Fake Liberal's avatar
From @TheFakeLiberal
RT @TheFakeLiberal: POLL ALERT Who is responsible for making our immigration laws so bad it is now LEGAL to invade the US?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TheFakeLiberal: you support Trump Wall. Is it guaranteed to greatly reduce illegal #immigration for years after it's built? Or, are there things that could happen that would cause it to fail?