Tweets to Tabitha Lily

Tabitha Lily's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Tabitha Lily
Fantasy/Mystery/Satire/Cats/EXCEL VBA/Conservative/Pro-life/Christian/Not Politically Correct
Tweets to this user:
Tabitha Lily's avatar
From @Tabitha__Lily
RT @AACONS: Seattle down 700 restaurants jobs after approving $15 an hour minimum wage #dk @Mark_J_Perry @AEI
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Tabitha__Lily @AACONS: the "Seattle loses 700 jobs" story is based on deceptive statistics, see Ritholz' blog. Please don't be fooled.
Tabitha Lily's avatar
From @Tabitha__Lily
RT @CHOWSTL: .@KirstenPowers: This is how it will go. Assisted suicide will be the go to measure to curb medical costs for old and infirmed…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Tabitha__Lily @CHOWSTL: it's great Powers says that, but more is needed. Assisted suicide won because opponents didn't do all they could.
Tabitha Lily's avatar
From @Tabitha__Lily
RT @SooperMexican: "We need an immigration policy that puts Americans and American workers FIRST." - Santorum at #IAFreedomSummit
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Tabitha__Lily: among other things, Santorum support(ed)(s) Marco Rubio's amnesty: