Tweets to Sunrise Movement 🌅

Sunrise Movement 🌅's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Sunrise Movement 🌅
United States
We are building a movement of young people to combat climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process ☀️ #GreenNewDeal
Tweets to this user:
Sunrise Movement 🌅's avatar
From @sunrisemvmt
The greatest international threat we face - like @BernieSanders said back during the 2016 primary - is not military…
Jenna's avatar
From @MomForProgress
@sunrisemvmt @mcbyrne @BernieSanders Thank you for noting that Bernie Sanders has been focused on this issue for a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MomForProgress: you know how Drudge/Fox/etc/etc/etc harp on things like Al Gore flying or snow during a "climate change" conference? @sunrisemvmt can't show them wrong. Their fellow travelers can't either; some even want to criminalize dissent. I suggest fixing that first.
Varshini Prakash 🌅's avatar
From @VarshPrakash
It was a disappointing wknd as @DNC leadership ignored millions of voters & shut down a #ClimateDebate. But our fi…
CelesteHolmes🌹's avatar
From @Dallas4Bernie
@VarshPrakash @SenseOf_OUTRAGE @DNC @sunrisemvmt I find it interesting how morally bankrupt, corrupt politicians al…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Dallas4Bernie: the last thing @VarshPrakash & @sunrisemvmt want is a #ClimateDebate. Their push for "Climate Justice" reveals their real goal. If you really care, then demand real, open debates & reject those who use the issue to push Gramscism.