Tweets to Sunil Garg 3D

Sunil Garg 3D's avatar
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Sunil Garg 3D
experimental and experiential 3D light artist
Tweets to this user:
Tulsi Gabbard 🌺's avatar
From @TulsiGabbard
Our immigration system is a mess, and our politicians refuse to get serious about it. This is the state of the unio…
TradeTherapAnalytics's avatar
From @TradeTexasBig
@TulsiGabbard Must include green card on demand for all #STEM PHDs ..was in Obamas charter
Richie⚾️🏛🏈🇺🇸🌊🎙👨🏻‍💻Ba〽️bara's avatar
From @richie_bambara
@TulsiGabbard Have to secure the border there’s no way around it
Sunil Garg 3D's avatar
From @sunilgarg3d
@TulsiGabbard And the point of this tweet is ...... what is “comprehensive immigration reform” in your words.... po…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
So, you support a massive, unprecedented, extremely pro-Big Biz amnesty, eh? MT @TulsiGabbard Our immigration system is a mess, and our politicians refuse to get serious about it. This is the state of the union. We need comprehensive immigration reform now.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Pols say they want to "secure the border" but their goal is to get amnesty. They use border security as a distraction to get what they really want. GWB, Obama, Pelosi, Trump, Schumer, etc all do that. MT @richie_bambara Have to secure the border there’s no way around it
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sunilgarg3d: "comprehensive immigration reform" has only 1 meaning: a massive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. GWB, Obama, Pelosi, etc. all pushed CIR. Trump says he wants CIR. Now, @TulsiGabbard joins their ranks. They'd all screw American workers.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Since you're all about the logic, what sort of impact would that have on foreign countries? What would said impact have on the USA in the years to come? MT @TradeTexasBig [a massive pro-Big Biz amnesty] Must include green card on demand for all #STEM PHDs