Tweets to Angus Johnston

Angus Johnston's avatar
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Angus Johnston
New York City
Historian of, and advocate for, American student activism. CUNY prof. Aging doofus.
Tweets to this user:
Angus Johnston's avatar
From @studentactivism
Do a twitter search on "feminist bridge" to see zillions of white nationalists blaming a Latina engineer for the FI…
Morgan Ywain Evans (Walking Bombs)'s avatar
From @morganyevans
@studentactivism meanwhile those idiots are trying to make society collapse into xenophobia.
Bloomberg is Racist πŸπŸ’œπŸ—½'s avatar
From @estarianne
@morganyevans @studentactivism Also they all have the dumbs
Hot Dog Nation's avatar
From @OddLane
@estarianne @morganyevans @studentactivism
Bloomberg is Racist πŸπŸ’œπŸ—½'s avatar
From @estarianne
@OddLane @morganyevans @studentactivism This is just a lie and you all need to stop.
Hot Dog Nation's avatar
From @OddLane
@estarianne @morganyevans @studentactivism It was Putnam's own research. Look, why can't open borders ideologues ad…
Hot Dog Nation's avatar
From @OddLane
@estarianne @morganyevans @studentactivism barriers. Yet open borders dogmatists will not concede that mas…
Hot Dog Nation's avatar
From @OddLane
@estarianne @morganyevans @studentactivism ...the risk of terrorism-even by a minute percentage-to import large num…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@OddLane: you can undercut @studentactivism etc by tying their fellow travelers #Koch, USChamber, Tyson Foods, Western Growers, WalMart, etc around their necks. Make them own those they enable. That's hard to do given Marc Short, the Mercers, Koch, etc. #MAGA?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@studentactivism & @AnnCoulter are engaged in a Brawndo Battle. Neither are smart enough to undercut the other to their base. #idiocracy