Tweets to Stephen Moore

Stephen Moore's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Stephen Moore
Washington, DC
Trumponomics author.@Heritage Economist.@WSJ Writer. @club4growth Founder. @FreedomWorks Senior Econ Contributor.Strategic partner @32Advisors.@cnn contributor
Tweets to this user:
Stephen Moore's avatar
From @StephenMoore
Green is the new Red: from capitalism to socialism. #GreenNewDeal
Faye's avatar
From @Daisy6057
@StephenMoore Do you really understand what Democratic Socialism is? I take you do not. Also, as you incorrectly…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Daisy6057: you know horror movies where you're screaming at how dim the kids are? #TheResistance is so much like those kids, @StephenMoore can get away with writing "Trumponics" with *Laffer*. If The Resistance were even slightly competent he wouldn't dare try that.
Stephen Moore's avatar
From @StephenMoore
The #carbontax proposals peddled by @AOC & by @citizensclimate are scams. Government control will expand; both cons…
Joshua Siegel's avatar
From @SiegelScribe
@StephenMoore AOC isn't promoting a carbon tax..
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SiegelScribe: @StephenMoore wants fewer regulations. I.e., "privatize the profits, socialize the costs". Koch bros etc will have fewer restrictions on their pollution. That means more profits for them, more costs for those downwind. Moore's a corporate socialist.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FrankBruni: @stephenmoore is a NeoLiberal horror and always has been: loose borders, free trade, globalism. Can you imagine how, say, MLP would completely destroy you, Beinart, & Don Lemon? Thus, CNN chooses uncomfortable stooges like Moore
Steve Rhodes's avatar
From @tigerbeat
And yet another reason CNN should get rid of @StephenMoore @JasonMillerInDC & all the others…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Both are incredibly, painfully vulnerable to their base. #TheResistance is like kids in horror movies who go into the abandoned Pioneers camp to see who they can send to the gulag. MT @tigerbeat yet another reason CNN should get rid of @StephenMoore @JasonMillerInDC
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@theabstoddard: on #AC360 you came close to asking @stephenmoore a Socratic, prosecutorial-style question. You just didn't press him & AC broke it up. If you aren't just shadowboxing, you could destroy his career by really pressing him on questions I'll eagerly provide. #CNN
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RanaForoohar: @StephenMoore is NeoLiberal scum. What use are you when you & he just shadowbox? You won't go after him where he's most vulnerable: his support for loose borders. Trump's in the WWE Hall of Fame; how are you any different than a WWE character? #MAGA #resist #CNN