Tweets to Stephen F. Diamond

Stephen F. Diamond's avatar
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Stephen F. Diamond
Silicon Valley
Law professor & political scientist. Author of last Cold War dissertation. Hong Kong has our back, why don't we have theirs?
Tweets to this user:
Stephen F. Diamond's avatar
From @StephenFDiamond
@NaveedAJamali @ElieNYC It’s a defense of Trump’s privileges surely but most of his voters can hardly be called pri…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's a barbarian to the real privileged (like those who own @NaveedAJamali). MT @StephenFDiamond It’s a defense of Trump’s privileges surely but most of his voters can hardly be called privileged - certainly not in comparison to the coastal [liberal] urban technocrats
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@StephenFDiamond: will the high #immigration policy of those like @wadhwa increase or decrease hotel wages? Choose one & answer. #ows #oo