Tweets to Department of State

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Department of State
Washington, DC
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Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
As I leave Asia for home, thinking of the many amazing @StateDept officials who made this a successful trip for our…
Viddles's avatar
From @Dviddles
@AjitPaiFCC @StateDept @usembassykl @RedWhiteBlueDot @usembassytokyo Do Asians receive 5 billion Robocalls a month like Americans do?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Dviddles: your question is extremely weak & would just help @AjitPaiFCC. If you really care about robocalls, recruit a smart person to go ask him tough policy questions at his public appearances. On video for Youtube. The key parts are "smart" & "tough".
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
.@StateDept @SecPompeo: "Thanks to the way #5G networks are built, it’s impossible to separate any one part of the…
Carol Roth's avatar
From @caroljsroth
@AjitPaiFCC Sincere question- isn’t that a bad idea (the network not being able to be separated)?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@caroljsroth: since @AjitPaiFCC hasn't & probably won't answer your 5G question, go to his public appearances & ask it on video & demand an answer. Ask *experts* for downsides & develop a question that'll really put Ajit on the spot. I'll help you do that for free, just ask.
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
An honor to address the U.S. @ITU #WRC19 delegation! I talked about the rich legacy of American leadership on ICT i…
Viddles's avatar
From @Dviddles
@AjitPaiFCC @ITU @StateDept @CommerceGov @NTIAgov Did you discuss Americans receiving 5 billion Robocalls a month?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Dviddles: AjitPaiFCC constantly gets replies complaining about robocalls, just as he always has about Net Neutrality. Have any of those replies worked? (Hint: no, and they'll never work) Are leaders who agree with you capable of coming up with smarter tactics?
Department of State's avatar
From @StateDept
.@statedeptspox provides an update on U.S. foreign assistance to the Northern Triangle countries of #ElSalvador,…
🦆Tagteam421🦆's avatar
From @Tagteam36069674
@StateDept @statedeptspox do you really think protecting OUR border is anywhere near the top of their to do list? i…
Marisa's avatar
From @marisa_mayorga
@StateDept @statedeptspox To address the problem at its source. What is the source of the immigration problem?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Two major factors are Big Business & Democratic Party leaders in the USA enabling illegal immigration. Ask Trump fans why he's not going after them. MT @marisa_mayorga [re State Dept pulling aid from Honduras etc] ...What is the source of the immigration problem?...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump can't think that far ahead, but vulture capitalists can. But, the big issue is that Trump's latest ban will be rolled back when he's out of office. MT @Tagteam36069674 [Trump's Honduras etc aid ban] its almost like he is intentionally trying to have those countries crumble
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
1/ We published a story today about @WhiteHouse & gov't spending at Mar-a-Lago, @realDonaldTrump's Florida estate.…
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
2/ Back in April and May 2017, the State Department and Mar-a-Lago were going back and forth about a $200,000, 4-y…
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
3/ So the @StateDept did something unusual: It ordered a special Citibank travel card to be used exclusively by fed…
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
4/ Of course, with anything new, problems can arise. And they did at the State Dept. The gov't couldn't pay Mar-a-L…
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
5/ So when Mar-a-Lago asked for payment above $3,500, the government was forced to ask for a 10% discount. It took…
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
6/ Mar-a-Lago could also only charge up to $10k on its billing system, causing problems when the gov't owed more th…
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
7/ A State Department contracting officer involved in all of this was definitely exhausted w/ all of this Mar-a-La…
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
8/ Then there's the $1,005.60 bar bill Mar-a-Lago charged to the White House. That's 1 bar bill but we also don't k…
Becky's avatar
From @BeckyBas3517
@derekkravitz @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorTimScott this is ok with you two right?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BeckyBas3517: Trump skimming $1,005.60 is a huge issue & grounds for impeachment, @derekkravitz is right to obsess over it. As for how much Koch not opposing Trump was worth & what they got for it, that's why we need real journalists. Do you know of any?
Department of State's avatar
From @StateDept
#Iran’s regime provides up to $100 million/year to the Palestinian terrorist groups. Imagine how many Iranian peopl…
Department of State's avatar
From @StateDept
Download the Iran Action Group’s new report detailing the full scope of the Iranian regime’s corruption, repression…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You realize Trump has tarnished everything you say, right? Most would sooner believe a Breitbart report. MT @StateDept Download the Iran Action Group’s new report detailing the full scope of the Iranian regime’s corruption, repression, and destructive behavior at state dot gov