Tweets to Sonia Elks

Sonia Elks's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Sonia Elks
Reporter covering LGBT rights, women's rights, climate change and modern slavery at @TRF_Stories ๐Ÿ“ฉ
Tweets to this user:
The Second Shelf's avatar
From @secondshelfbks
We have had many requests for books that are funny lately. Let's name some funny books by women! We happen to be pโ€ฆ
Rachel Burns's avatar
From @hacrel
@secondshelfbks Elif Batuman's The Idiot!
Dr Helen Glew's avatar
From @HelenGlew
@hacrel @secondshelfbks I loved that book!
Sonia Elks's avatar
From @SoniaElks
@HelenGlew @hacrel @secondshelfbks The Possessed is even better
Dr Helen Glew's avatar
From @HelenGlew
@SoniaElks @hacrel @secondshelfbks Yes, I read that too because I'd enjoyed The Idiot so much.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@HelenGlew: do some PhD-level analysis of "Hillary Clinton says abuse of female politicians on social media is 'viral'" by @soniaelks. Isn't HRC playing the victim to attack her opponents & sell books? If Greta Thunberg were a boy, would he get a red carpet from AGW critics?