Tweets to sharonskisss

sharonskisss's avatar
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I truly care about the USA. I'm a proud Trump supporter. I believe in God and Trump #MAGA. #CONSERVATIVE.
Tweets to this user:
sharonskisss's avatar
From @sharonz6
RT @ebbonelli: @PrisonPlanet Censorship is getting worse every single day. In Brazil is exactly the same. Unbelievable!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
PJW is part of the problem: he lies about what Twitter does & shrinks the tent. Go to one of his reply pages, scroll down to & click "Show more replies". You'll find *libs* being censored too. MT @sharonz6 MT @ebbonelli: PrisonPlanet Censorship gets worse...In Brazil is the same
sharonskisss's avatar
From @sharonz6
RT @sewwutnow: Meeting reportedly in response to a letter McDaniel sent Parscale in May claimed “Facebook and Twitter operate in liberal co…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
As you can see from the data linked from my top tweet, Twitter heavily censors liberals replying to McDaniel. Do you support or oppose them doing that? MT @sharonz6 MT @sewwutnow: [McDaniel/Parscale letter falsely claiming #Twitter mostly censors conservatives]