Tweets to Sharon Aly

Sharon Aly's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Sharon Aly
Eugene OR
Owner, Friends and Neighbors Realty Group, Fan of AmeriCorps, Peter DeFazio, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg. Secular Humanist
Tweets to this user:
Olivia Nuzzi's avatar
From @Olivianuzzi
After going on @CNNnewsroom with @BrookeBCNN and saying I’m optimistic that Rudy Giuliani would text me again one d…
Olivia Nuzzi's avatar
From @Olivianuzzi
Now I’m coming up with @juliemason on @POTUSPressPool
Sharon Aly's avatar
From @sharonaly
@Olivianuzzi @CNNnewsroom @BrookeBCNN I LOLed at the thought that Rudy's friends were explaining his actions by say…
Burt Macklin's avatar
From @knoweyedentity
@Olivianuzzi @juliemason @POTUSPressPool The fact that everyone in the country doesn’t listen to @juliemason is just mind boggling
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Kaelism --> MT @knoweyedentity The fact that everyone in the country doesn’t listen to @juliemason is just mind boggling
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sharonaly: @Olivianuzzi has access to politicians because they know she's safe. She just writes anodyne pastiches. If she called Rudy on where he's incredibly vulnerable *to Trump's base* (nat'l ID/TTC/amnesty/etc) & really pressed him on it, would he text her back?