Tweets to Senate Democrats

Senate Democrats's avatar
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Senate Democrats
Washington, DC
News from leadership staff of Senate Democrats.
Tweets to this user:
Rebecca Traister's avatar
From @rtraister
Gillibrand is a smart and gutsy politician, who I believe has a long future in progressive politics. Her departure…
Super Richards's avatar
From @SupremeRichards
@rtraister Yep and let’s not forget she was the ONLY senator to vote against every single Trump cabinet pick, which in my book is
C.J. Ande...'s avatar
From @EnoughofYou
@rtraister @HeerJeet She can replace Schumer as the @SenateDems leader. Chuck needs to go.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Before being appointed, she had a pro-worker immigration stance. Then, within weeks, she turned into a stock very pro-Big Biz Dem leader working to harm U.S. workers. Be a real liberal MT @SupremeRichards [she's the best] MT @rtraister Gillibrand is a smart and gutsy politician
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@EnoughofYou: what @rtraister won't tell you is Gillibrand did a 180 on immigration in just a few weeks. She was pro-worker before but a few weeks later her immigration stance would make the U.S. Chamber ecstatic: she'd give them all the cheap labor they want. Be a real liberal
David Beard's avatar
From @dabeard
The agency that monitors federal elections is effectively shutting down, at a time when free elections are under in…
Al Wayward's avatar
From @Wayward888
@dabeard @publicintegrity So this is what he’s been up to. @SpeakerPelosi , @HouseDemocrats , @SenateDems do someth…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Obviously, what you/Beard/Pelosi/etc have been doing doesn't work. When you understand that rather than enabling failures, Trump might be in trouble. MT @Wayward888 [to @dabeard] So [kneecapping FEC] is what [Trump's] been up to. Pelosi, HouseDemocrats, SenateDems do something!
Mac72's avatar
From @ramusmc1972
RT @ROCKONOHIO: Now dose this look like a manufactured crisis? @SpeakerPelosi @SenateDems #BuildTheDamnWall & STOP this Invasion on our nat…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ramusmc1972 @ROCKONOHIO: given how much Congress hates the "wall", what happens to it when Trump's out of office?
Larry Spencer ❌'s avatar
From @LarryS500
RT @JonFeere: 170 members of Congress sign letter demanding @SenateDems stop filibustering the bill to #FundDHS: #im…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LarryS500: what's the plan if the letter fails? What's the plan when Obama vetoes the bill?
Larry Spencer ❌'s avatar
From @LarryS500
@24AheadDotCom_ It's political games: who gets blamed for defunding dhs and for what reason? If 0 vetoes due 2 gutting exec amnesty..?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LarryS500: "political games" won't stop amnesty. This plan will: Will you do that?