Tweets to Sebastian Gorka DrG

Sebastian Gorka DrG's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Sebastian Gorka DrG
Washington, DC
Host of #AMERICAFIRST πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄ Contributor for Sinclair TV & @theAmGreatness πŸ”΄ My latest book: THE WAR FOR AMERICA’S SOUL
Tweets to this user:
Susan Daugherty's avatar
From @susaninpahrump
@TommyHicksGOP @SebGorka Really! But we did hear how many people were out of work and / or working multiple jobs a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@susaninpahrump: Pahrump! Did you ever see Art Bell's antenna? Also, aren't you sick of the Dems dividing citizens by race & gender? Like "Meteor To Hit Earth, Women & People Of Color Hardest Hit." Isn't @TommyHicksGOP acting exactly as the Dems & MSM do?
The Word Update's avatar
From @TheWordUpdate
@SebGorka @DevinNunes @jack @SalemMediaGrp It's time to put those facist social media giants in their place..
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TheWordUpdate: as you can easily verify right now (look for the "Show more replies" links), #Twitter heavily censors libs replying to Trump officials. Con leaders like @SebGorka can't even do basic research like looking at their own replies. They *help* Twitter censorship.
Sebastian Gorka DrG's avatar
From @SebGorka
This is the way you do it. @DevinNunes gets real with @Jack: @SalemMediaGrp
Kabakoff's avatar
From @RealKabakoff
@SebGorka @DevinNunes @jack @SalemMediaGrp So, the way you do it is you hire a crap attorney? And file a lawsuit a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RealKabakoff: what's incredibly ironic is #Twitter heavily censors replies from liberals to Trump officials (example below). Not only does @SebGorka hype frivolous suits, their supposed opposition to censorship is based on a lie.
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
Flashback: when Democrats said Trump was never going to fix NAFTA
HL3's avatar
From @HL3tweets
@joelpollak @SebGorka Pelosi after reading Trump's United States - Mexico Agreement.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@HL3tweets: following Trump's lead, @joelpollak supported amnesty. I've posted 1000s of posts at my site, at Malkin's old #immigration blog, etc. since 2002. Unlike Pollak I've always opposed amnesty, but unlike Pollak I have integrity.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump is NOT a Neocon Trump is NOT a Neocon Trump is NOT a Neocon Trump is NOT a Neocon Trump is NOT a Neocon Trump is NOT a Neocon Trump is NOT a Neocon Trump is NOT a Neocon #MAGA #resist RT @SebGorka: This is not 2003 and Iraq. And @realDonaldTrump is NOT a Neocon
Sebastian Gorka DrG's avatar
From @SebGorka
John's avatar
From @IJCFilm
@SebGorka Except on immigration.... no wall, DACA, we still get refugees. Sigh.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Just think: if you & Gorka were sincere & smart you'd think up plans to make Trump better. If you two were rational you'd help with my plans. Stop being part of the problem. MT @IJCFilm @SebGorka Except on immigration.... no wall, DACA, we still get refugees. Sigh.
πŸŽ€  π΅πŸŒžπ’·π’·π’Ύπ‘’ π’ŸπŸŒžπŸŒžπ“π‘’π“Ž  πŸŽ€'s avatar
From @BobbieDooley
One of the great defenders of the #MolonLabe is @SebGorka. He used to be a Nazi but @POTUS gave him a job at Mar-a-…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BobbieDooley: buffoonish @SebGorka isn't Nazi but he is ripe for satire. So too are the elites that use #Parkland to push an anti-gun agenda and that ignore the real cause: culture. Doing that'd cost them money: they want iPhone-staring sheeple. Why you no go after them?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
$10 says Stephen Miller had to do a search and replace through all of those many policy documents @SebGorka wrote, replacing "Gypsy" with "Mexican". #MAGA
Sebastian Gorka DrG's avatar
From @SebGorka
Communism killed 100 million people in the last 101 years. This man should go and live in North Korea. You will…
Jim Metheny's avatar
From @jmethe
@SebGorka It’s easy to love communism when all you’ve ever known is living free in a republic.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's easy for parasitic grifters to use the non-existent spectre of commienism to sell books, con suckers out of money, etc. Does the USA have a mixed economy, yes or no? MT @jmethe It’s easy to love communism when all you’ve ever known is living free in a republic.
Howard Rothenburg's avatar
From @hrothenb
RT @DanaGutfeld: @seanhannity @SebGorka @SaraCarterDC @GreggJarrett @edhenry @dbongino #Hannity ignores immigration Why is he avoiding the…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hannity came out for amnesty years ago (probably due to pro-amnesty Murdoch). If you truly oppose amnesty, then go after reachable Trump proxies like Dilbert, Christopher Ruddy, etc. Use amnesty to destroy careers MT @hrothenb @DanaGutfeld [why does #Hannity] ignores immigration
