Tweets to Sarah Kendzior

Sarah Kendzior's avatar
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Sarah Kendzior
St. Louis
Writer and scholar. Co-host of @gaslitnation. Author of the bestseller THE VIEW FROM FLYOVER COUNTRY (2018) and HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT (April 2020).
Tweets to this user:
Blucebdcer's avatar
From @moderate2severe
@brianschatz @sarahkendzior Pence guaranteed 1 million test kits were complete and being shipped out Sunday. Please…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
She's never asked that & probably won't. MT @moderate2severe Pence guaranteed 1 million test kits were complete and being shipped out Sunday. Please have one of your journalists, somebody, anybody @DanaBashCNN get a list of delivery times, places and numbers of test delivered
Steve Vockrodt's avatar
From @SteveVockrodt
A Kansas City radio station leased six hours of airtime a day to a broker that airs Radio Sputnik, a Russian state-…
Russ Burgos's avatar
From @Russ_Burgos
@SteveVockrodt @sarahkendzior So who are the principals of Alpine Broadcasting and "RM Broadcasting LLC, a Florida-…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Correct me if wrong, but KC Star "investigative journalist" Steve doesn't seem to realize how 'Rossiya Segodnya' translates. Look that up then reread his blog. MT @Russ_Burgos [outraged at RU propaganda that doesn't help the Dems] MT @SteveVockrodt [hypes his blog re RT & KCXL]
Sarah Kendzior's avatar
From @sarahkendzior
Every scholar of authoritarian states I know -- that is, people who've studied dictatorship for decades -- recommen…
Michael's avatar
From @MDresk
@sarahkendzior Yes. Some seem to want this to be binary: impeach or beat at ballot box, but it’s not. You impeach t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MDresk: 1. See Pauline Kael. 2. Why can't Sarah or the rest show Trump wrong to his base? If their arguments were sound they could. MT @sarahkendzior Every scholar of authoritarian states I know -- ppl who've studied dictatorship for decades -- recommends impeachment hearings
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
When you hear the names @AndreaChalupa or @sarahkendzior, think sharp insight: #MAGA #resist
Kenny Mayne's avatar
From @Kenny_Mayne
If they give out an Oscar for scariest movie that we are living in then @sarahkendzior should win.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Kenny_Mayne: @sarahkendzior - like Coulter & Breitbart on the other side - is just a grifting entertainer. There are simple things everyone could do right now to make Trump better. She couldn't figure them out even if she cared to do that.
What time is it now? Defeat attack on democracy's avatar
From @Holdon2Hope2017
@tribelaw @jgeltzer Suggest you follow @sarahkendzior if you don't. Also listen to latest podcast where she +…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Holdon2Hope2017: @tribelaw, @jgeltzer, & @sarahkendzior are even more impotent grifters than Coulter. She's at least had some impact on Trump's policies. Their only impact years later has been to slightly help him. They can't even conceive of there being ways to undercut Trump.
Sarah Kendzior's avatar
From @sarahkendzior
Trump would rather have his base think of him as a "nationalist" than as a kleptocrat. In reality, Trump's a weal…
Sam Cohen's avatar
From @cohenss
@sarahkendzior @sivavaid so he's even lying when he says he's a nationalist.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cohenss: globalists (steel/autos/Apple/WalMart, etc) have done great damage to 10s of millions of Americans for decades. It's hilarious that Trump - with just 1 word! - has tricked those like you & @sarahkendzior into siding with U.S. Chamber & Koch against the American worker.
Sam Cohen's avatar
From @cohenss
@24AheadDotCom_ @sarahkendzior Hilarious
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cohenss: hey Sam, do you oppose or support NeoLiberalism (loose borders, free trade, globalism) just like U.S. Chamber, Apple, Tyson Foods, U.S. Chamber, Adelson, Peterson, WalMart, McDonald's, NAM, Western Growers, Google, and Koch, or do you oppose them?
Sarah Kendzior's avatar
From @sarahkendzior
OK I'm trying to upload my interview on @MSNBC this morning about freedom of the press, self-censorship, access jou…
Angelo Young's avatar
From @angeloyoung_
@sarahkendzior @MSNBC What does "proto autocratic" mean?
Sarah Kendzior's avatar
From @sarahkendzior
@angeloyoung_ @MSNBC Trump's attempting to create an autocracy but is held in check, somewhat, by preexisting democ…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He certainly would. And, zero of his loudest opponents have the smarts, integrity, or sanity to prevent that. Such as by offering an alternative to those worried about their jobs at the plant. MT @sarahkendzior ...Trump would like more absolute power than he currently has...
Phillygirl1441's avatar
From @Phillygirl1441
RT @sarahkendzior: Hiring of Bannon adding to my theory this is all leading to Trump media empire boosting white nationalists…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Phillygirl1441: re @sarahkendzior, see She & he are on the same low level. #Trump2016 #ImWithHer #tcot
#FlipTheSenate2020 #KeepTheHouse✌💖🎶 🐾🏳️‍🌈's avatar
From @SaysSheToday
RT @sarahkendzior: My kids upon seeing Donald Trump for the first time: 8-yr-old: "Why does he have orange skin and butter hair?" 4-yr-old:…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SaysSheToday @davidjbland: compare @sarahkendzior 's childish comments on Trump to my grownup response:
