Tweets to Sandra Smith

Sandra Smith's avatar
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Sandra Smith
New York
Co-host of @AmericaNewsroom 9-11am ET & @OutnumberedFNC 12pm ET on #FoxNews
Tweets to this user:
JohnAmato's avatar
From @JohnAmato
I enjoy @ChrisCuomo #chriscuomoprimetime But putting @CLewandowski_ on after @SandraSmithFox failed to get him to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JohnAmato: it'd be smart of #TheResistance to point out to #MAGA that Lewandowski supports amnesty. The arguments they use now only play with The Resistance and thus they don't really impact him. Will you do smart things that actually undercut Lewandowski?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SandraSmithFox of #FoxNews to Marco Rubio on his anti-Kim tweets: "The president, he sits down with Sean Hannity, he’s talking about Kim Jong Un as someone who appeared to be funny, he’s smart, the president has said of him. So, could you clarify?" #MAGA #resist