Tweets to Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Ruth Ben-Ghiat's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ruth Ben-Ghiat
New York, USA
Authoritarians, fascism, propaganda. History&Italian NYU, Advisor, @protctdemocracy. Commentary: CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Wash Post. Next book: Strongmen (Norton)
Tweets to this user:
Ruth Ben-Ghiat's avatar
From @ruthbenghiat
This is correct. Don’t give up on Trump supporters, redouble your efforts to reach them. As time goes by and deaths…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Death makes free. MT @ruthbenghiat Don’t give up on Trump supporters, redouble your efforts to reach them. As time goes by and deaths from #COVIDー19 mount they will start to understand that Trump has lied to them.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat's avatar
From @ruthbenghiat
Oh look @Qorvis the PR firm that continues to represent the Kingdom of Bone Saw after it murdered Kashoggi is pitch…
Murph's avatar
From @Murphysically
@ruthbenghiat @Qorvis They are touting that a sitting president had a lead over the no names who are also running?…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump is extremely vulnerable to his base on many issues. Ruth isn't smart enough to realize that or use it. MT @Murphysically MT @ruthbenghiat Oh look Qorvis the PR firm that continues to represent the Kingdom of Bone Saw after it murdered Kashoggi is pitching for Trump
Ruth Ben-Ghiat's avatar
From @ruthbenghiat
Disgusting. @antipcnyuprof do you support this?
Michael Rectenwald's avatar
From @antipcnyuprof
@ruthbenghiat I am not responsible for what Milo Yiannopolous writes, says, or does. I don't support this, no. And,…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@antipcnyuprof: @ruthbenghiat cheers mirjordan's blog post that's designed to help Big Biz exploit foreign serf labor & lower wages on U.S. workers. Anyone capable of college work should be able to see that, even if she isn't. Use that & how pro-Big Biz she is against her.