Tweets to Richard Skinner

Richard Skinner's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Richard Skinner
Washington, DC
US Bureau of the Census, @misoffact, @BrookingsInst, @legbranch. Many hats, @arlingtondems. Opinions my own. Hire me:
Tweets to this user:
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
Still don't quite understand why Biden doesn't run against Hillary. Is there some dark planet force at work?
Walter Shapiro's avatar
From @MrWalterShapiro
@kausmickey Why Biden might not want to run: Age, fear of being three-time presidential loser and lack of policy differences with Hillary.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
@mrwaltershapiro Seem like insufficient reasons. He'd have fun. He cld win. And you don't think he thinks he'd be better Prez (true or not)?
Walter Shapiro's avatar
From @MrWalterShapiro
@kausmickey One other thing to remember about Biden -- he has a visceral memory of 2008 when he was broke and Obama and Hillary ruled TV.
Richard Skinner's avatar
From @richardmskinner
@MrWalterShapiro @kausmickey just aren't many Dems who oppose HRC.
Walter Shapiro's avatar
From @MrWalterShapiro
@richardmskinner @kausmickey Polls and observation point up Hillary's popularity with Democratic base. Media more bored than Dem voters.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MrWalterShapiro: Kaus' business model is to write about things but not actually try to solve them. *Not* stopping amnesty makes him money.