Tweets to RexValllachorum

RexValllachorum's avatar
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Junie Woonie's avatar
From @The_Evil_Barbie
RT @RexValllachorum: No reason given, other than the standard โ€œyou broke the community rules, here is the link you click if you want to appโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@The_Evil_Barbie @RexValllachorum: #Twitter heavily censors all kinds of users: libs, cons, Target customers, Mike Trout fans, etc. etc. All non-verified users (~100 million) need to worry. Cons greatly help Twitter by falsely pretending only cons (~1 million) need to worry.
FreeMarkets-TQN-๐Ÿ‘‘'s avatar
From @TechQn
RT @RexValllachorum: To all my Twitter followers: thank you for following me back again. I guess teaching the American youth the truth abouโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TechQn @RexValllachorum: #Twitter heavily censors libs: about as many libs as cons are censored. They also censor music/sports/etc. fans. Making it all about cons means you're of no use to the millions on non-cons censored by Twitter. That marginalizes you.