Tweets to Rep Josh Gottheimer

Rep Josh Gottheimer's avatar
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Rep Josh Gottheimer
Honored to serve the people of New Jersey's 5th District. Working across the aisle to solve problems, lower taxes, and fight for Jersey values.
Tweets to this user:
Ryan Grim's avatar
From @ryangrim
That gun bill Democrats want McConnell to put on the Senate floor? They let @RepJoshG and his Problem Solver crew t…
E Pluribus Brian's avatar
From @briancribb
@ryangrim @RepJoshG @aidachavez They always do this crap. We need to primary all of them.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@briancribb: @ryangrim is paid by a billionaire to push his Koch-style agenda (loose borders, free trade, globalism). Trump's very pro-Big Biz & his fans fall for it due to his shtick. Don't respond by falling for Grim's very pro-Big Biz shtick.