Tweets to President Matt

President Matt's avatar
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President Matt
A humble patriotic ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ citizen, Honored to serve as President of the @WorcTeaParty #mapoli #tcot
Tweets to this user:
Sue O'Connell NBC10 Boston's avatar
From @SueNBCBoston
BTW, that penis of yours...a woman grew that for you. Don't you think mothers should get a bonus? #pregnancy #mothers
President Matt's avatar
From @readwriteblue
@SueNBCBoston Are you just trying to be provocative?
Sue O'Connell NBC10 Boston's avatar
From @SueNBCBoston
@readwriteblue I'm making a point.
President Matt's avatar
From @readwriteblue
@SueNBCBoston Which point are you trying to make "Mothers deserve more than they get" or "I can say Penis" ??
Sue O'Connell NBC10 Boston's avatar
From @SueNBCBoston
@readwriteblue I expect men to be more appreciative of women, want the most for their mothers, daughters, sisters. And I was making a joke.
President Matt's avatar
From @readwriteblue
@SueNBCBoston fair enough, perhaps I was being over serious, I will try to be more lighthearted in future.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@readwriteblue: did you see the @SueNBCBoston segment on #ImmigrantDocs where she ignored how they'd greatly harm developing countries?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@readwriteblue: every 100,000 Somalis have just 3 doctors. #ImmigrantDocs wants some of the docs to come here. @SueNBCBoston ignored that.