Tweets to Bob Smith

Bob Smith's avatar
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Bob Smith
New York, NY
Comedy, bluesman (Robert Charels on Amazon, Spotify), formerly with PWI & WCW, brand NEW columns forthcoming in a new format. ๐ŸŒŠ Still at the editor's desk.
Tweets to this user:
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Here are the presidentโ€™s first non-tweeted comments about his visits to hospitals in two cities that experienced maโ€ฆ
Kerri ๐Ÿฆ‹'s avatar
From @KerriJersey
@ddale8 He's incapable of human emotion
Bob Smith's avatar
From @RCSmithNYC
@KerriJersey @ddale8 Inhuman, perhaps.
Kerri ๐Ÿฆ‹'s avatar
From @KerriJersey
@RCSmithNYC @ddale8 I've run out of words to describe him
Bob Smith's avatar
From @RCSmithNYC
@KerriJersey @ddale8 After the last few days, I feel someone scooped out my insides and just wants me to collapse.โ€ฆ
Kerri ๐Ÿฆ‹'s avatar
From @KerriJersey
@RCSmithNYC @ddale8 I'm so sorry. I truly am. I just don't understand how people see him as a good man
Bob Smith's avatar
From @RCSmithNYC
@KerriJersey @ddale8 What's worse - I see people I thought I knew acting like mini versions of what they see on TV.โ€ฆ
Kerri ๐Ÿฆ‹'s avatar
From @KerriJersey
@RCSmithNYC @ddale8 One of my best friends over 25 years is a trump supporter. We don't talk politics but I'm havinโ€ฆ
Bob Smith's avatar
From @RCSmithNYC
@KerriJersey @ddale8 I can imagine. I'm just so spent. Wooden ships. Keep thinking of that song.
Kerri ๐Ÿฆ‹'s avatar
From @KerriJersey
@RCSmithNYC @ddale8 I feel that way a lot too. Then I take a few days off from the news and then realize that thisโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KerriJersey @RCSmithNYC: ddale8's list of Trump "lies" includes misleading citations. If he's going to call Trump on lying he should get his facts right. More importantly, name even one case where anything he's said has had any impact on Trump or his base. Name even one.