Tweets to raandy

raandy's avatar
Twitter handle: 
the cool and chill guy of online
Tweets to this user:
Wild Geerters's avatar
From @classiclib3ral
They think this is Tim Pool destroying Vijaya Gadde with facts and logic but literally all he does here is complainโ€ฆ
raandy's avatar
From @randygdub
@classiclib3ral making twitter not be able to ban anyone seems anti free speech imo
Sloth Aka CornPop's avatar
From @SeattleSloth_
@classiclib3ral "I love free market until the company sets its own rules and I break them"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Review the replies to a Trump official. Is the ordering & how some are hidden good public policy? MT @classiclib3ral They think this is Tim Pool destroying Vijaya Gadde w facts and logic but literally all he does here is complain that Twitter is allowed to have their own rules
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SeattleSloth_: Twitter is more a public forum than a pvt co. Pols do public business using it. Then, Twitter decides to elevate, suppress, or hide replies from citizens. Do you support Twitter hiding the replies from liberals criticizing Ajit Pai & other Trump officials?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
High profile bans are a minor issue. The real issue is Twitter censors millions of their users. They even admit that. Do you support Twitter hiding replies from libs to Trump admin officials? MT @randygdub making twitter not be able to ban anyone seems anti free speech imo
raandy's avatar
From @randygdub
@24AheadDotCom_ absolutely i do theyโ€™re extremely embarrassing
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I asked "Do you support Twitter hiding replies from libs to Trump admin officials?" & @randygdub replied "absolutely i do theyโ€™re extremely embarrassing". Then, @beijingsausage chimed in "I [ochen] 100% pro free speech, but I support shadow banning of [cons] for their own good"
raandy's avatar
From @randygdub
right wingers crying about censorship when all that happened was she deleted the tweet is a little too on the nose
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@randygdub: when some r/w'ers complain about censorship it's not because they oppose censorship, they're just upset they aren't the censors. I'm sure you aren't like them, esp since #Twitter heavily censors both libs and cons as my data (real data, not anecdata) shows.