Tweets to Spencer Hughes

Spencer Hughes's avatar
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Spencer Hughes
Radio host. Podcaster. Focusing on GOOD NEWS! Join my Hughes From The Heart Podcast. Help me spread good vibes daily.
Tweets to this user:
Spencer Hughes's avatar
From @RadioSpencer
I’m procrastinating cleaning up after a nice dinner. Let’s play Q & A. Fire off any questions! Political, paranormal, philosophical, etc.
Mark Sassak's avatar
From @archlawblue
@RadioSpencer As a Cali guy, is there anything Repub's can do to be competitive there? What kind of R pres candidate would stand a chance?
Spencer Hughes's avatar
From @RadioSpencer
@archlawblue Great question, and thanks Mark. This is the land of Boxer and Feinstein and Brown. Even GOP with millions to spend lose. :(
Mark Sassak's avatar
From @archlawblue
@RadioSpencer Your thoughts on how an R might make inroads w Latino community in CA. Is the political divide bridgeable in the near term?
Spencer Hughes's avatar
From @RadioSpencer
@archlawblue I think the GOP needs to remind them that many Latino voters are against illegal immigration and that it is not a hateful thing
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RadioSpencer: most Hispanics supported Prop 187 2 mos before vote. Want to do something? Discredit the snakes: Reince, Hoffenblum, Kshkri.