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❌percy❌ ❤️to❤️🇺🇸's avatar
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❌percy❌ ❤️to❤️🇺🇸
Trump Since Day1/POSITIVITY #MAGA Steadfast with Trump, as on election night with Faith/Calmness
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Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @realDonaldTrump
Watching @CNN and consider @secupp to be one of the least talented people on television. Boring and biased!
JGutierrezKrueger's avatar
From @jolinegkg
@realDonaldTrump @CNN @secupp Biased? She's a Republican. Remember? The party you supposedly belong to?
🇺🇸Country Girl🗽's avatar
From @NJGirl4Trump
@jolinegkg the republican party is a joke, they're scared of #Trump.
JGutierrezKrueger's avatar
From @jolinegkg
@EveWicked I think you are right, but it is destroying the party. What will be left of the right?
🇺🇸Country Girl🗽's avatar
From @NJGirl4Trump
@jolinegkg who cares about "the party"? Certainly not me! I'm for the candidate who I believe will make the country greatm
JGutierrezKrueger's avatar
From @jolinegkg
@EveWicked Oh lordy. So you're OK with schlongs and bombs, rants and walls, Putin, banning whole religions, expensive rises in taxes? Oohkay
🇺🇸Country Girl🗽's avatar
From @NJGirl4Trump
@jolinegkg You're letting your lib/rino colors show.
JGutierrezKrueger's avatar
From @jolinegkg
@EveWicked Yeah, that's called reasonableness and education. Sorry if it offends you.
🇺🇸Country Girl🗽's avatar
From @NJGirl4Trump
@jolinegkg Ah, the ole' "Trump supporters are uneducated" shtick. Not working lady, it's not working.
JGutierrezKrueger's avatar
From @jolinegkg
@EveWicked Of course, it's not. I'll try to write slower for you. Then again, it's really not worth the time. You guys are nuts.
🇺🇸Country Girl🗽's avatar
From @NJGirl4Trump
@jolinegkg What a wolf you are, pretending to give a crap about the republican party, lulz. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Diana Chic's avatar
From @DianaChic1
@EveWicked @jolinegkg The American people are tired of being 'Schlonged' #Trump2016 #TrumpSet
❌percy❌ ❤️to❤️🇺🇸's avatar
From @prissypercy1
@DianaChic1 @jolinegkg Trump Full Support From DAY!/We are not puppets/GovernmentShakeup/America is wide awake
JGutierrezKrueger's avatar
From @jolinegkg
@prissypercy1 @DianaChic1 I highly recommend you read this. You sound like what author is talking about.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jolinegkg: in the George Saunders #NewYorker post, he enables braindraining Mexico & making things worse overall. You support that too?
JGutierrezKrueger's avatar
From @jolinegkg
@24AheadDotCom_ Where in the world are you reading that? I think you misread. It's his perception of Trump supporters and rallies.
❌percy❌ ❤️to❤️🇺🇸's avatar
From @prissypercy1
@24AheadDotCom_ @jolinegkg I respect ur choice/Respect mine/Stop with the trolling/ I Vote Trump
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jolinegkg: in the George Saunders blog post, see the "a Central American family" (not MX as I said) part. That's what I'm referring to.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jolinegkg: what we need to do is make the "Central American family" stay there & make their liders keep them there. Or things get worse.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@prissypercy1: if you were smart & sane, you could use my Trump coverage to make him a better candidate & help the USA. Ciao, brutto.
❌percy❌ ❤️to❤️🇺🇸's avatar
From @prissypercy1
@24AheadDotCom_ Full Support Trump Since Day1/;POSITIVITY/Steadfast/Keeping the Momentum