Tweets to Rosalind Helderman

Rosalind Helderman's avatar
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Rosalind Helderman
Washington, DC
Political investigations and enterprise reporter for @washingtonpost. Email me at and see more about me at
Tweets to this user:
🇺🇲 Julz 🇲🇽's avatar
From @BeSmartVoteBlue
@PostRoz @mattzap @partlowj @Fahrenthold It's not just Trump, people all over this country take advantage of them a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
WaPo strongly supports illegal immigration; they even posted how to hire illegal aliens. By enabling those like @PostRoz, you enable what you decry. MT @BeSmartVoteBlue It's not just Trump, people all over this country take advantage of [illegal aliens]
Rosalind Helderman's avatar
From @PostRoz
This is a very important story: At Trump golf course, undocumented employees said they were sometimes told to work…
MOTR Politics's avatar
From @MOTRPolitics1
@PostRoz @partlowj @Fahrenthold Certainly seems consistent with Trump’s history of screwing over his workers, contr…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MOTRPolitics1: there are millions of illegal aliens in CA being exploited, and that won't stop until illegal immigration is sharply reduced. @PostRoz is using Trump to go in the opposite direction: WaPo has strongly supported illegal immigration for decades.
Peter Wallsten's avatar
From @peterwallsten
If you listen to the clear, authoritative and sharp analysis here from @PostRoz, you'll get a flavor for why she ha…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I've seen a lot of sickening BS & this has to be near the top. MT @peterwallsten If you listen to the clear, authoritative and sharp analysis here from @PostRoz, you'll get a flavor for why she has been such a key factor in the WaPo's Pulitzer-winning coverage of this subject
Rosalind Helderman's avatar
From @PostRoz
Everyone should read the Mueller Report for themselves. Get a hard copy for history, with additional analysis and c…
#FlattenTheCurve's avatar
From @myminutia
@PostRoz @mattzap @washingtonpost Bought a copy as a small way to say thank you for your reporting. I guess a verb…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@myminutia: so, you're further enriching the world's richest man by buying something that will only help Trump get reelected? Smooth. MT @PostRoz [buy a public domain doc from Bezos' WaPo from Bezos' Amazon]