Tweets to Peter Hamby

Peter Hamby's avatar
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Peter Hamby
Los Angeles, CA
Host @Snapchat's Good Luck America. @VanityFair contributor. @CNN vet. Board @ShorensteinCtr. Levon fan. Hoya. My screed on Twitter:
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Jenny Luckie's avatar
From @luckie_jenny
@jonfavs @crookedmedia @PeterHamby Really important story BUT the people who need to be persuaded will not be the readers. Sad ️
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@luckie_jenny: mini-bravo for realizing @jonfavs just preaches to the choir. But, if you want to finally undercut Trump you'll need someone much smarter. Eg, someone who's smart enough to explain to MAGA how Trump's grand plans will fail miserably. That isn't Jon.
Don's avatar
From @DonSmrock
@jonfavs @PeterHamby Low information white voters
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's how to do it: double down & racialize everything. That's the smart person's way to undercut Trump to his base! MT @DonSmrock Low information white voters [to @jonfavs smearing "low information voters"]
Jon Favreau's avatar
From @jonfavs
A smart and timely piece from @PeterHamby on the focus groups I did for this season of The Wilderness:
Packergirl67's avatar
From @shaltsch
@jonfavs @PeterHamby Good piece! How will you get the key takeaways to the Democratic candidates?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@shaltsch: imagine someone only hilited things the target audience doesn't care about. Like selling fridges to Eskimos based on keeping food cold. How long would they last as a marketer? @jonfavs only ever makes arguments against Trump that have no impact. Why enable him?
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
my favorite ritual of the primary so far is when candidates drop-out and people find ways to blame everything -- th…
Bakari Sellers's avatar
From @Bakari_Sellers
@PeterHamby Which voters exactly?
Tom W Ferguson's avatar
From @TomWFerguson2
@Bakari_Sellers @PeterHamby The Political / Entertainment Complex at work.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TomWFerguson2: the MSM colludes w/ pols to ignore real debate about real issues. In @PeterHamby case, he smears "low info voters". One thing I knew in 2015 & Trump voters still don't know is how the "wall" will fail miserably. When has Hamby reached out to them about that?
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
That interview with The News would be his last. His parting words: "Texas born. Texas bred. When I die, I'll be Tex…
Christine North's avatar
From @4Libertyinlaw
@PeterHamby You wouldn't understand that kind of loyalty. He personally rescued his employees from Iran. Would your boss do that for you?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
CNN could easily replace anyone on CNN so why bother? Also, Hamby hyped a pro-illegal immigration CNN show. Point out to his fan(s) he supports crooked farmers exploiting workers. MT @4Libertyinlaw [to @PeterHamby about Perot's Iran rescue & how CNN wouldn't do the same]
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
As the world’s biggest fan of @CoachHuggs, I have some important context to provide for all of you tonight about hi…
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
Huggs appears to have settled into this look as his preferred offseason vibe. Here he is celebrating @vanexel31’s i…
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
But his dramatic fashion journey began humbly. Here is Bob with some very wide lapels and a fantastic bowl cut in t…
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
Huggins then coached at Akron (go Zips!) and opted for trimmer lines and a fairly conventional 80s flow. Cool vinta…
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
Huggins’ legendary career at Cincinnati marked the beginning of his groundbreaking work in the fashion space. You’l…
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
Here’s where things get interesting. He largely abandoned the dress shirt as Cincinnati emerged as a perennial top…
marc tracy's avatar
From @marcatracy
@PeterHamby full story behind it here!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@marcatracy: @PeterHamby can't figure out how to undercut Trump, a dimwitted buffoon. I could undercut Trump with 99% of my mozg tied behind my back. If the goal is to undercut Trump, who should we listen to? #NYTimes #NewYorker #TheResistance
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PeterHamby: not rolling in the mud with Trump is good advice, but the alternative isn't to wimp out. It's to undercut Trump where he's vulnerable using real questions about real issues of interest to his base. Use this against Trump & his proxies:
Nick Rafter's avatar
From @NRafter
@24AheadDotCom_ @PeterHamby "Never roll around in the mud with a pig, he will enjoy it. Try drowning him in the mud…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NRafter: that's a cute saying, but you'll never figuratively drown Trump in mud: mud is his element. The only solution - which also happens to be smart, sane, & patriotic - is the stump site in my bio. How about asking those w/ megaphones why they refuse to help with it?
Peter Hamby's avatar
From @PeterHamby
I wrote about what Elizabeth Warren revealed this week about 2020 -- about race, about bad faith, about the terms o…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PeterHamby thinks Trump invented "Pocahontas", despite it being used years before his run. He says "tangling w Trump is just really hard, & there’s no clear alternative playbook". Also wrong. Those with megaphones just aren't smart/experienced enough to figure that out.