Tweets to Patrick Navas

Patrick Navas's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Patrick Navas
Christian, History Teacher, Author, Peace-Advocate
Tweets to this user:
Michael Isikoff's avatar
From @Isikoff
About to go on @allinwithchris to discuss our new podcast, Conspiracyland, which reveals how Russian intelligence a…
Patrick Navas's avatar
From @PatrickNavas1
@Isikoff @allinwithchris Russian Intel did not plant the Seth Rich story-
Granny Space Force Commander Sandy's avatar
From @GlammaSandyto2
@Isikoff @DavidCornDC @allinwithchris Just watched you and Chris. You did a great job.
Robert David “Bob” Simms's avatar
From @BobSimms1978
@PatrickNavas1 @Isikoff @allinwithchris Christ, you people are saaaaad.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BobSimms1978: the @PatrickNavas1 blog makes a reasonable case that @Isikoff is wrong. It links to pbump at the WaPo which (I can't read it) seems to be pointing out how Isikoff is wrong. You unreservedly believe authority figures. Is the WaPo an authority figure?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GlammaSandyto2: pbump at the WaPo seems to be pointing out @Isikoff got it wrong. On the wider issue, those like Isikoff are eager to censor what people can read like book burners of the past. Not only is that a much greater threat than "bots", it serves Putin's interests.