Tweets to Darlena Cunha

Darlena Cunha's avatar
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Darlena Cunha
Former TV producer. Writes for Time Magazine, Washington Post, The Atlantic, The NYT, McSweeneys, Salon, Backpacker Magazine, many more. #binders
Tweets to this user:
TruthSeeker's avatar
From @DorothyisAwake
@nytopinion @nytimes @parentwin Send the Illegals to NYC and LA
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Thank you for your patriotism. RT @DorothyisAwake Send the Illegals to NYC and LA
Kenneth Dreesen's avatar
From @Dreesenkl
@nytopinion @nytimes @parentwin Jesus christ! Nazi Germany. And one of the repercussions: one the raids begin, so w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Dreesenkl: NYT is owned by a billionaire & what they push always serves his interests. Look at the bottom line: smears of ICE aren't designed to make them do a better job, they're designed to encourage illegal immigration to lower wages.
New York Times Opinion's avatar
From @nytopinion
"ICE is Trump’s main instrument for the dirty work of trying to make America whiter again, without regard for famil…
¿Qué pasa?'s avatar
From @TribuD5
@nytopinion @parentwin @nytopinion is what's dangerous.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TribuD5: actually, #NYTOpinion isn't "what's dangerous". What is extremely dangerous is that their loudest opponents are either grossly incompetent or just grifters. They push to the front of the line as NYTO opponents, but then just tweet things like yours.
Darlena Cunha's avatar
From @parentwin
ICE Is Dangerously Inaccurate: no one is safe, not even citizens. Stop the raids, stop the blind faith in these gov…
Julissa Arce Raya's avatar
From @julissaarce
@parentwin Hi Darlena- I hope you can get the @nytimes to change the picture- a lot of ppl are assuming the woman i…
Darlena Cunha's avatar
From @parentwin
@julissaarce @nytimes Hi, I was also surprised at the photo, though I hadn't said anything yet because the caption…
Julissa Arce Raya's avatar
From @julissaarce
@parentwin @nytimes Thank you for replying. You know how people look at a headline, the picture, and r/t away.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@julissaarce: I'm sorry the woman pictured on the @parentwin propaganda piece isn't the right race, but: what's the bottom line on the Darlena Cunha blog? Cui bono? She wants less immigration enforcement. List all those who'd profit from that: