Tweets to Otis Reid

Otis Reid's avatar
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Otis Reid
Interested in policies and politics to make the world a better, more equitable place. Recent PhD recipient from @MITEcon From Chapel Hill, NC. He/him/his.
Tweets to this user:
Matthew Shugart's avatar
From @laderafrutal
I vote for Maine's ballot design as my first choice. Am I wrong to think it is more straightforward?
(((Jonathan Robinson)))'s avatar
From @jon_m_rob
@laderafrutal The amount of people who fully ranked in ME was much, much lower than in ME. By my calculations, 44%…
Otis Reid's avatar
From @otis_reid
@jon_m_rob @laderafrutal Is that unreasonable? Honestly, given a realistic set of beliefs, it's mostly only worthwh…
(((Jonathan Robinson)))'s avatar
From @jon_m_rob
@otis_reid @laderafrutal Yeah, it's not the end of the world, but it's still pretty confusing in my eyes (and it seems voters agreed!).
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jon_m_rob: hey Jon, @otis_reid supported depriving Somalia, Yemen, & other struggling countries of the doctors they desperately need. Please read this with an open mind & be a real liberal.
Cory Smith's avatar
From @politicory
It's tax season! That means, once again, I get to be a weirdo & pay the MA voluntary extra tax #statecapacity cc…
Ryan Hill's avatar
From @RyanReedHill
@politicory @otis_reid bold move. I'm interested that you chose to donate to MA tax coffers and not a charity of your choice. Thoughts?
Cory Smith's avatar
From @politicory
@RyanReedHill @otis_reid I also do! This just lets me express my patriotism which is tied to a belief in the power of government to do good
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@politicory: 3 docs per 100,000 Somalis. If you were in Somalia, what would you think of @otis_reid & #ImmigrantDocs trying to harm you?