Tweets to Doctor Anarchqueer 🏴 (He/His/Him)

Doctor Anarchqueer 🏴 (He/His/Him)'s avatar
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Doctor Anarchqueer 🏴 (He/His/Him)
Ansoc and antifash forever, sorry if that's wrong. Not followed or endorsed by Barack Obama. Follows are not endorsements, except porn. #1312
Tweets to this user:
Team Bloomberg's avatar
From @Mike2020
Spread the word: We’re inviting all Americans to join the #Bloomberg2020 campaign and become a volunteer. Let’…
Doctor Anarchqueer 🏴 (He/His/Him)'s avatar
From @NotReallyaDr
@Mike2020 Big challenges like open office spaces in the Whitehouse and running the country like business? No thanks…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NotReallyaDr: @Mike2020 is almost as vulnerable as Trump. For just one example, he wants massive, wage-lowering immigration... so golf courses are kept up to his standards. #Bloomberg2020? No thanks.
Team Bloomberg's avatar
From @Mike2020
The climate crisis is the greatest threat facing humanity - and @mikebloomberg has been advocating for our planet,…
Doctor Anarchqueer 🏴 (He/His/Him)'s avatar
From @NotReallyaDr
@Mike2020 @MikeBloomberg Hey Mike, do you still think hydraulic fracking is the way forward? That new natural gas s…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Ditch the ad homs. Seek help converting your concerns into tough Socratic questions. Start an effort to ask @Mike2020 those questions on video at his events (I'll even pay people to do it). MT @NotReallyaDr [policy concerns flawed by ad homs]
Mike Bloomberg's avatar
From @MikeBloomberg
Since the 1870s, @BoweryMission has been one of NYC’s largest providers of food, shelter, medical care, job prepara…
Doctor Anarchqueer 🏴 (He/His/Him)'s avatar
From @NotReallyaDr
@MikeBloomberg @BoweryMission You have enough money to end homelessness in NYC, but choose not. At least you're hel…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NotReallyaDr: actually, Bloomberg doesn't "have enough money to end homelessness in NYC" or anywhere else: it would keep recurring due to the anti-American NeoLiberal policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism) he and all other Dem/GOP politicians strongly support.